Abortion Cap and Trade Tax COMMUNISM Gun Control PARENTAL RIGHTS
Can you see the picture it paints? I believe ultimately it's moving right along to a global government ... that's spelled out on the Common Core and FAITH pages.
*Behind the Scenes* ... the agenda, tactics, strategy |
SAUL ALINSKY - "Cause discontent and confusion" |
"Create a Crisis" "Never let a good crisis go to waste." |
"The goal of socialism "When I Strike,
I Strike Hard" |
Facts are Stubborn Things" |
Did you know ... What the Hurricane name of "Joaquin" actually means? According to the name meaning web sites, the name Joaguin means "Raised By Yahweh". More HERE.
That last weekend, Oct. 10, 2015, marked the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. It was organized by Nation of Islam leader Louise Farrakhan. The theme ... "Justice or Else". "We who are getting older... what good are we if we don't prepare young people to carry that torch of liberation to the next step? What good are we if we think we can last forever and not prepare others to walk in our footsteps?" Sounds somewhat like a threat to me. Just keep your eyes open and watch. More ... |
External News Links Current Events & News drudgereport Bible Prophecy ... |
A Sad Sad Story "This HEART-BREAKING picture form Syria shows how the world has FAILED humanity." (The caption under this photo posted at therightscoop.com). You can help the Christian people of Syria find refuge. There's another story behind this heart rendering photo. The family actually wasn't fleeing Syria, they were moving from Turkey as the father wanted dental care ... “The father sent them on that boat so the father could get dental treatment. They were in no fear, they were in no persecution and they were in no danger in Turkey.” You can help the Christian people of Syria find refuge. "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."– Adolf Hitler The statement in German (on the photo) says "The Children belong to the Fuhrer." "Give me four years to teach the children and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted." Vladimir Lenin With that being said, take an honest look at We need to to stand by our common sense ... Obama, in reference to the shooting in Oregon as the families and friends of the victims are freshly in shock, stood up before he has all the facts, before all the information comes out, rather than talking to the American people in a way that they need a leader to speak to them he gets up and talks about gun control! Literally within hours of this horrific event, he's up there talking at the good people of America how they need to be more regulated. So, exactly what kind of law do you, Mr. President, think should take place?! More ... |
Keep an eye out ... "Farrakan calls for non-peaceful revolution, asks Obama to lead a new black nation", watch Farrakkan on the video
Is global warming really true? "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Vladimir Lenin A REMARKABLE REPORT Muslim immigration information Federal Data: U.S. Annually admits quarter of a million Muslim migrants. "A Breitbart News review of State Department and Homeland Secutiry data reveals that the United States already admits more that a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. President Obama intends to all another 10,000 Syrian migrants on top of that." MORE Why would they leave Iran Sharia in the West? What Place for Faith-Based Family Laws in Western Democracies? Big Government ... more dependents (you and I) stemming from and resulting in .... Abolition of Private Property
Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax Abolition of Rights of Inheritance Confiscation of Property Rights Central Bank Government Ownership of Communication & Transportation Government Ownership of Factories and Agriculture Government Control of Labor Corporate Farms and Regional Planning Government Control of Education (see COMMON CORE) Do you see this in our country now? This straight out of the Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto". How about that Saul Alinsky and his "Rules for Radicals"?