Last weekend, Oct. 10, 2015, marked the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. It was organized by Nation of Islam leader Louise Farrakhan. The theme ...
"Justice of Else".
"We who are getting older... what good are we if we don't prepare young people to carry that torch of liberation to the next step? What good are we if we think we can last forever and not prepare others to walk in our footsteps?"
Sounds somewhat like a threat to me. Just keep your eyes open and watch.
In an article in Raptureready the writer notes,
"An amazing unity will be achieved under Antichrist. National and International Religion Report noted that Louis Farrakhan at the Million Man March,
'spoke of moral and spiritual renewal and his message
sounded very much like both Promise Keepers and Pope John Paul II.'
Both the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post reported that,
"Mr. Farrakhan's message of self-reliance is also strikingly similar to that of the predominantly white Christian conservative Promise Keepers movement. Social scientists who specialize in religious trends see an overlapping that could lead to common ground between the movements at some point."
There is a small handful of articles that make mention of this event but, for as large as it was one has to wonder why it isn't covered more. Or, does one have to wonder? When you look up the march, it seems he's clearly calling for a revolution.
CNN has a relatively short article posted doesn't give much.
The LOUISIANA WEEKLY seems to have the most extensive coverage at this point.
Woman lead the crowd in a chant of "Down, Down USA"... the STORY
I think it's just something to be aware of ... we need to not close our eyes and pretend this is just another anniversary. I don't think it'll be another 20 years before more comes of this.