Mr. President, what gun law?
Obama, today in reference to the shooting in Oregon as the families and friends of the victims are freshly in shock, stood up before he has all the facts, before all the information comes out, rather than talking to the American people in a way that they need a leader to speak to them he gets up and talks about gun control! Literally within hours of this horrific event, he's up there talking at the good people of America how they need to be more regulated.
So, exactly what kind of law do you, Mr. President, think should take place?!
"One man with a gun can control 100 without one."
Vladimir Lenin
"There is no law that can stop the lawless. That's why they're lawless. It's irrational. And here we are, the president launching another gun control effort without even knowing anything about the killer. Nothing. ... " (Mark Levin)
He's now saying that this issue needs to be politicized.
"Exactly what law would the federal government put in place ... 'what we're talking about .. is evil, there are evil people in this world, very, very evil people. Obama will go to the microphone, and go through his talking points, as he did today without all the facts but, he will never go to the microphone and talk about the tens of thousands people who are murdered every year and break it down as to who's killing whom.
He'll never talk about gang violence. Has he held a white house seminar on MS13 and other gangs made up of foreign individuals who come into this country? No. Has he held a seminar trying to figure out how to address black on black violence? No he hasn't, doesn't even talk about it. How about the greatest mass murders on the earth? He won't even identify them as Islamic terrorists.
But, in America, the second amendment is a problem. It's America, it's congress, it's republicans, it's the NRA. It's not the killer, it's not the killers.
There are very evil people in this world and
if they want to do grave damage, they will.
You may say, 'why does he politicize this?' Today he says it ought to be politicized. Because Obama believes that whatever his positions are, there can be no serious, rational, moral, contrary positions. It's his position, period.
That's what he believes. More government, more centralization, more laws,
somehow that's going to stop the nut-jobs. But it's not. Never has and it never will.
Now all of a sudden, those who support the constitution and the second amendment are evil. All of a sudden all of us have to answer for evil even though we live lawful lives,faithful lives, moral lives, have families and work hard and pay our taxes, now it's our fault because we will not consent to the diminution of our liberties because of evil people who do evil things. Here we are again.
... We, the American people, did not do, do not do, and will never do what took place today in Oregon. And shame on this man for projecting his politics onto us. These people need our prayers. These people need our moral support. These people may need our financial support. We would like to know exactly what happened as well. So far the media has been unable to tell us because the authorities are still keeping the information close.
We don't need a demagogue to get in front of a microphone
and lecture we the people and tell us to abandon our common sense."