This post is taken from Mark Levin's September 1, 2015 radio program
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant
"Obama at the conference on September 1, 2015
"If we were to abandon our course of action, if we were to stop trying to build clean energy economy and reduce carbon pollution"
Sounds like what Adolf Hitler's said,
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant. Matter of fact, every time you open your mouth and spew your stupidity, you are spewing carbon dioxide.
Mark Levin chimed in, "Carbon dioxide is used by plants; it's plant food. Without carbon dioxide plants cant live. If plants can't live, who else can't live? Human beings. Why? Because carbon dioxide is used for, what's called, photosynthesis. Right third graders? And photosynthesis carbon dioxide is used to create what? Oxygen! And who needs oxygen? We do. And what happens if we don't have oxygen? We're dead!"
So, how can you call carbon dioxide a pollutant unless you're either, one, a moron, two, a moron, or three, a moron?
Obama continued,
"Glacier's are melting faster, oceans from rising faster, and forests from burning faster, and storms from going stronger. We will condemn our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair."
The left is extremely aggressive "This is why they're so aggressive in their ideology about this. If the glaciers are shrinking, that is, if the Arctic and the Antarctic ices are shrinking, the ocean's getting bigger, if there's more hurricanes, we have nothing to do with it. Stop feeling the guilt. You're not doing anything wrong. You're living your life in a developed nation. You're not destroying the earth. The sun is destroying the earth but, they can't do anything about the sun. Greenhouse gases, condensation is the biggest greenhouse gas. They can't control that, now, can they? So now they're going to control what you inhale. And attack energy, fossil fuels. Why?
When you listen to Obama and the secretary of state, they're talking about destroying the capitalist system, the industrial revolution that took place, technological advancement. They're not talking about clean energy.
"We know that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond dispute. Everything else is politics. If people are denying the facts of climate change. We can have a legimate debate about how we're going to address this problem, we cannot deny the science." says Obama.
This is not science.Obama despises capitalism. He's a Marxist, an Alinskiite. That's a fact. This is not about the environment, it's about destroying the American lifestyle. At the heart of that is the American energy system, fossil fuels.
The "Degrowth Movement", Sustainable degrowth. Quote, from page 111, out of the "degrowth movement" in Europe,
"Sustainable degrowth is a downscaling of production and consumption that increases human well-being and enhances ecological conditions and equity on the planet. It calls for a future where societies live within their ecological means, with open, localized economies and resources more equally distributed through new forms of democratic institutions. Such societies will no longer have to “grow or die.” Material accumulation will no longer hold a prime position in the population’s cultural imaginary. The primacy of efficiency will be substituted by a focus on sufficiency, and innovation will no longer focus on technology for technology’s sake but will concentrate on new social and technical arrangements that will enable us to live convivially and frugally. Degrowth does not only challenge the centrality of GDP as an overarching policy objective but proposes a framework for transformation to a lower and sustainable level of production and consumption, a shrinking of the economic system to leave more space for human cooperation and ecosystems."
This is why I [Levin] emphasize Kerry emphasizing "Global ... global ... global" This is international redistribution of rights and what these Marxist, leftists believe is we have too much material, wealth, energy. It's not about reducing carbon pollution. It's about reducing your lifestyle, your well-being.
"The time to heap the critics and the cynics and the deniers is past. The time to plead ignorance is surely past." Obama sounded off. Sounded like "bow down to my idol. Pray to my idol. What is his idol, Marxism.
Check out Naomi Klein. Obama knows her well.
If you want to know all about what's going on with the EPA, the "Global Warming" stuff, read chapter 7 in Mark Levin's new book, "Plunder and Deceit".
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